Our Bursaries and Feeding Scheme Appeal
All secondary school education in Zimbabwe is fee paying and beyond the reach of most rural families. Since 1998, the Friends of St James Mission and School have been funding bursaries at St James for girls who need support to undertake a secondary education. It costs about £1300, per pupil per year, to provide a full bursary for a St James secondary school student. (Compare this to the tens of thousands of pounds that a boarding place costs in the UK!) This includes all tuition, boarding accommodation, food, uniform and stationery.
We would be delighted if you feel you could make a regular donation, however small, to support the bursaries fund, or general fund, from which we service the Primary School Feeding Scheme. Small, regular giving over months and years adds up, and helps us plan provision for the girls in receipt of bursary funding and our other funding priorities.
Stuck for a present? Why not give a donation…
Account Name: Friends of St. James Mission and School Nyamandhlovu
Barclays Bank: Sort Code 20-16-99
Account Number: 80725765
(Please add a payment reference of "Bursaries [your name]" or “General Fund [your name]").
If you are a UK tax payer, please don't forget to Gift Aid! This means that for every £1 you donate, FSJMS can claim an extra 25 pence from the government at no additional cost to you.
If you are able to Gift Aid please send an email to Alan Butler.
Thank you!
Friends of St. James Mission and School – FSJMS
Registered Charity No. 1017217
Stuck for a present? Why not give a donation…
Account Name: Friends of St. James Mission and School Nyamandhlovu
Barclays Bank: Sort Code 20-16-99
Account Number: 80725765
(Please add a payment reference of "Bursaries [your name]" or “General Fund [your name]").
If you are a UK tax payer, please don't forget to Gift Aid! This means that for every £1 you donate, FSJMS can claim an extra 25 pence from the government at no additional cost to you.
If you are able to Gift Aid please send an email to Alan Butler.
Thank you!
Friends of St. James Mission and School – FSJMS
Registered Charity No. 1017217
Ways to Donate
You can help us by making a one-off donation, becoming a regular giver, or buying online through our partners via #easyfundraising.
Click here for more details.
Click here for more details.
Friends of St. James Mission and School - FSJMS
Registered Charity No. 1017217
Registered Charity No. 1017217